Al Aqsa Mosque is in discussion between Iran and Israel know why it is special for jews Christians and Muslims

Al Aqsa Mosque is in discussion between Iran and Israel know why it is special for jews Christians and Muslims

Al Aqsa Mosque: The most sacred places for the Muslim community are Mecca and Medina. Which is in Saudi Arabia. After this comes the third place Al Aqsa Mosque which is in Jerusalem, Israel. It is not only Muslims who have faith in Al Aqsa Mosque.

But also among Jews and Christians. At present a war-like situation is developing between Iran and Israel. Meanwhile, we are going to tell you about Al Aqsa Mosque. Which is an equally important religious place for Muslims, Christians and Jews.

What is the history of Al Aqsa Mosque?

Al Aqsa Mosque is considered the third holiest site for Muslims after Mecca and Medina. So here is the oldest church of Christianity and along with it, the Western Wall, which is considered sacred for the Jews, is also located at this place. The complex of Al Aqsa Mosque is spread over 35 acres.

It is said that it was built by Prophet Mohammad’s friend Caliph Il-Abr-Khattab. But Christians and Jews have different opinions regarding this. Jews say that earlier there was a Jewish temple here. So Christians say that there used to be St. Mary’s Church here. This place has special importance for all three religions.

Why is Al Aqsa Mosque so important for all three?

Al Aqsa Mosque is considered the third holiest place in the religion of Islam. This mosque is also known as Betul Muqaddas. So it is also called Masjid Al Haram. Why do Muslims have so much reverence for the mosque? Regarding this, it is said that Prophet Mohammad went to heaven through this mosque.

Apart from Muslims, this is a very important place for Jews also. Muslims call this mosque the holiest place. So religiously it is also very important for the Jews. Jews call this mosque Temple Mount. According to Jewish religious beliefs, King Solomon had built a Jewish temple at this place in 1000 BC. Later these temples were demolished many times. At present one wall is left. Which is called the West Wall by the Jews.

Where Al Aqsa Mosque is a very holy religious place for Muslims and Jews. At the same time, Christians also have many religious beliefs associated with this place. According to Christianity this is the same place. Where Jesus Christ gave the holy sermon. And it was at this very place that he was crucified. According to Christian religious beliefs, it is also said that this is the place where Jesus Christ was resurrected.

Attempt to set fire in 1969

On August 21, 1969, an Australian citizen tried to set fire to the Alexa Mosque. A person named Dennis Michael Rohan had carried out this attack after several months of reconnaissance. After the attack, relations between Israel and Arab countries had deteriorated significantly. Let us tell you that there has been a situation of tension between Muslims and Jews regarding this mosque for a long time.

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